A Bluetooth network between computers allows you to transfer data and
files from one system to the other through wireless transmission. You
can also transfer data between handheld computer devices like PDAs and
mobile phones through a Bluetooth connection. To set up a Bluetooth
network, you first need to establish both your computers as Bluetooth
devices. Then you can link them together through wireless transmission.
Your Windows operating system has all the tools needed to do this.
Open your Windows Control Panel. and select the Hardware and
Sound link. Choose the Bluetooth Devices link in the Hardware and Sound
window. The page that opens should be blank without any devices added.
Configure your computer for adding a new device or creating a
network. Click the Options tab in the Bluetooth Devices box and go to
the Options page in the Discovery group box. Check the box labeled
"Allow Bluetooth Devices to Find This Computer."
Go to the Connections group box and check the boxes labeled
"Allow Bluetooth Devices to Connect to This Computer" and "Alert Me When
a New Bluetooth Device Wants to Connect." Check the "Show the Bluetooth
Icon in the Notification Area" box to help you find the most useful
Access the Add Bluetooth Device Wizard by clicking the Add
button on the devices page of the dialog box. Check the "My Device Is
Set Up and Ready to Be Found" box and click Next. Select the device you
want to add from the list that appears and click Next.
Choose a passkey for the device as the wizard suggests.
Select "Use the Passkey Found in the Documentation if your device has a
preset passkey. Otherwise, have Windows create a passkey with "Choose a
Passkey for Me" or create your own with "Let Me Choose My Own Passkey."
Follow any more instructions the wizard gives you related to
the passkey. Click "Finish" when the "Completing the Add Bluetooth
Device" screen appears to complete the connection.
Repeat all the above steps for a second computer to make it a
bluetooth device also. This will be the home computer, which you will
send the signal from. The previous device is the target computer, which
will receive the signal.
Go to the home computer and click the Bluetooth Devices icon
in your notification area. Select "Join a Personal Area Network" from
the menu to bring up the Personal Area Network Devices dialog box.
Select your target computer from the Devices list box and click the
Connect button.
Choose the Start Network option to open a Network window.
You should get an Information Bar saying "Network discovery and file
sharing are turned off. Click to change." Click on this bar and select
"Turn On Network Discovery and File Sharing." After authenticating
yourself to User Account Control, click the button in the next box that
makes your network a private one.
Click on the icon for the target computer that should now
appear, meaning the computer is connected to the network. All the
folders that the computer is sharing should appear. You can now copy any
files from the target computer to the home computer. You can copy files
from the home computer to the target if they are shared with permission
for you to change their contents.
Disconnect the Bluetooth Network after you're finished
transferring files. Click the Devices icon in either computer's
notification area and choose "Join a Personal Area Network." Choose the
connection you want disconnected In the Devices list box, then click the
Yes button in the warning box that appears.
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