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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Best Web Design Tutorial

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Networking Tutorial

Beginners can study these key networking concepts and technologies to learn the basics of computer networking fast.

Search Engine Optimization

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Graphics Design Tutorial

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Showing posts with label Link Building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Link Building. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

300 + Free Article Submission Sites list

Top 301 Free Article Submission Sites list, most reliable sites where you can publish ypur articles, all of them free of charge. This list was initially created in 2010, Article directory submissions or the process of creating articles and submitting them to numerous article directories, like the process of submitting your website to web directories, 


Friday, February 8, 2013

New Face Of Directory Submission After Penguin Updates 2013

Recent updates of Google Panda and Pen­guin has hurt many webmaster’s and SEO’s. To make things more clear and pre­cise, we have defined a pow­er­ful strat­egy of which we’re 100% confident.
Under the guid­ance of our SEO Experts we have intro­duced a very Pow­er­ful SEO Strat­egy which extremely fol­lows the Google guide­lines, and is totally result-oriented. These strate­gies will secure you from all the future Google updates.

Guest Blog­ging:  Guest blog­ging plays an impor­tant role in influ­enc­ing your online vis­i­tors, and web page rank­ing. Its sim­ple con­cept is to share the infor­ma­tion with the vis­i­tors about your busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices or other fields. With the grow­ing web com­pe­ti­tion, many online busi­nesses are adopt­ing it as one of the best tech­niques of Search Engine Opti­miza­tion, today. The best part asso­ci­ated with this ser­vice is expands the area of your busi­ness net­work not only with the new com­ers but also with the exist­ing ones. It boosts the busi­ness sales along with improv­ing the global pres­ence of your business.

Google panda

Info­graphic : The next strat­egy is Info­graphic which means a visual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion. Many busi­nesses are adopt­ing this strat­egy for best out­put of their busi­ness. Today many busi­nesses are find­ing Info­graphic as the best rep­re­sen­ter of their busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices. Images can put huge impact on your vis­i­tors giv­ing them an instant mean­ing of the image updated. Ear­lier, it was com­pletely unknown that images don’t have any SEO value as search engines can’t read them. It is a fact that search engines won’t know what’s your info­graphic  is all about, but your tar­get audi­ence surely will. It ben­e­fits SEO cam­paign a lot, and con­se­quently it builds your link port­fo­lio for good reasons.

Micro Blog­ging : Microblogging’s best exam­ple is Twit­ter. Twit­ter shares every­thing within 140 words range, which is a newly develop con­cept in the busi­ness world today. Online vis­i­tors like to visit such microblog­ging web­sites a lot. Microblog­ging means send­ing out short mes­sages to a larger audi­ence in no time. It screeches the vis­i­tors atten­tion and tempt them to involve with your busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices. Now how it is ben­e­fi­cial for SEO? The main pur­pose of SEO is to pop­u­lar­ize your web­site and screech high organic traf­fic in short­est dura­tion. But with the help of microblog­ging web­sites any SEO can share their links with tons of users spon­ta­neously. If it is liked by one user it may trans­ferred to oth­ers as well; increas­ing your web  traf­fic and web page rank­ing concurrently.

Web 2.0 Prop­erty : To leave your com­peti­tors far behind and to run your online busi­ness suc­cess­fully; it is very impor­tant to mar­ket and adver­tise your busi­ness brand very effec­tively over the web. Web 2.0 prop­erty enables the busi­nesses to cre­ate many sub-sites through var­i­ous plat­forms like Word­Press, Squidoo, Blogspot, etc. Here, each and every sub-site con­tains rel­e­vant and unique con­tent with the tar­geted key­words to attract online vis­i­tors and major Search Engines. They con­tain valu­able infor­ma­tion related to your busi­ness prod­ucts or ser­vices along with hyper­linked key­words direct­ing traf­fic towards the main web­site. In short, it is a great busi­ness tool which improves search engine rank­ing, boosts ROI, and gen­er­ates high traffic.

Arti­cle Sub­mis­sion : Arti­cle sub­mis­sion is the heart of SEO busi­ness. Usu­ally, it is referred as unique writ­ing of arti­cles which are rel­e­vant to your web busi­ness, and then get­ting them added to var­i­ous pop­u­lar arti­cle sub­mis­sion direc­to­ries. SEO experts rec­om­mend this ser­vice a lot to fresh­ers or exist­ing online busi­ness own­ers. This sub­mis­sion ser­vice can enhance and improve the web page rank­ing of your site among the major SEs by increas­ing quan­tity of  back­links and PR.

And if they really start believ­ing you, then surely they will always seek your advise. Sooner or later, they will get inter­ested in var­i­ous aspects of your busi­ness. For all this thing, they need to click on the pro­vided link within the sig­na­ture to be taken to the main web page, and then they are a step away from con­vert­ing into a poten­tial customer.

Social Sharing/Bookmarking : Social book­mark­ing enhances the SEO of your web­sites and blogs by rapidly increas­ing the page rank­ing, by bring­ing links back towards your site based upon the key­words induced in the blog or page which you’re bookmarking.

Pre­mium Press Release : Press Release count as the back­bone of Online Busi­ness exis­tence. It is one of the fastest way of avail­ing expo­sure of your online busi­ness prod­ucts or ser­vices. Many small to large scale busi­ness firms give due impor­tance to this ser­vice because of its rel­e­vant potency. A press release is always writ­ten in a very coher­ent man­ner keep­ing your tar­get audi­ence in mind. It should cover all the hap­pen­ings of your busi­ness world, old or new both. All the pop­u­lar news sites like Yahoo, MSN, Google rapidly increases the web traf­fic and devel­ops new impor­tant links giv­ing a new edge to your site.

Local Busi­ness List­ing : All the major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc pro­vides Online Busi­ness List­ings help­ing you to pro­mote your busi­ness to local Inter­net users. More­over, claim­ing, adding, and val­i­dat­ing your online busi­ness list­ing in the local busi­ness direc­to­ries will surely  increase your web traf­fic, boost your SEO efforts, screech­ing new vis­i­tors by enhanc­ing your local busi­ness ‘Web Visibility.

Social Media Shar­ing : Many reports dis­closed the fact that Social Media’s valu­able pres­ence influ­ences the rank­ings within the search engine result pages. Likes, +1s, tweets, pins and social links avail­able on the unique Blog Post’s are very count­able busi­ness sig­nals, as they can affect the rank­ings in SES.


Why link Diversity is Important of 2013

The link building strategy that you’re going to use for ranking your sites is essential and you have to diversify all the links that point to your site if you want to push your site on the first page of Google in a relatively short period. If you still wonder why you have to put so much effort then check how the link diversity will benefit your site. Getting all kinds of links to your site can be a really difficult job but it’s really necessary to show to the search engines that your site is popular everywhere on the web.

Therefore it is essential to post your link to many directories, social bookmark sites, social networks, web2 sites, forums and blogs. Some of you may say to getting links from article directories, blog comments and wiki sites for example is already busted strategy and Google will penalize the site almost immediately after they are indexed.
Link-building web
Well, it can be true but if you do everything properly then you will get a lot of benefits. Your main task is to find just high PR sites on different platforms that are not spam to the moon and you will be fine.

oogle won’t hurt your site if it has backlinks from quality blogs or article directories with low outgoing links. Their power is lower than it used to be, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t help you for ranking. So, use all types of links in your link building strategy without any doubt and you will gain many benefits for sure.

Another essential factor to keep in mind is to diversify your anchor keywords. Many bloggers are really happy when they find a good “buying” keyword with huge search queries and relatively low competition. And what they do next? They are so much on the top of the happiness wave that they use just this keyword or 1-2 of its long tail variations in building their backlinks. It’s an enormous SEO mistake that you have to avoid at any cost. For example, what do you think about how Google will react if from all 2000 backlinks that your site have almost 1500 are with one anchored keyword. It means that your site will be soon or later punished and this is something that will hurt you for sure.

So, try to use your main keyword not more than 20% – 30% in your link building strategy. Try to include many different natural anchored keywords like “click here”, “visit the site” or your naked URl.  Now, according to many SEO gurus, any different anchor keywords structure can pretty easily jeopardize your site after the last Google updates 
The links diversity is a huge SEO factor and getting many quality links from different platforms with different anchor keywords is the most viable way to increase your SERP. Take your time, find the right blogs, sites, forums and web 2 properties to post your backlinks, always check the % of the keywords pointed to your site and your success will come faster than you competition even expect.