Friday, February 8, 2013

Six common SEO mistake that needs Everyone’s Attention

There is a pres­ence of few mis­takes in SEO peo­ple usu­ally hap­pens while opti­miz­ing their web­sites, and which needed to be cor­rected or avoided. There are some sim­ple guide­lines needed to be fol­lowed to know how your site will per­form in search engine result pages. So we need to focus on cer­tain things that need to be improved.
So let’s talk about some SEO chal­lenges and prob­lems that SEO peo­ple are fac­ing now days and how a lit­tle shift in our think­ing may hold sim­ple but effec­tive solutions.
1) The chal­lenge of key­word research: Key­word research is one of the most impor­tant fac­tors in SEO so you should care­fully choose them before start opti­miz­ing. Every­one obvi­ously wants to opti­mize for those main key­word phrases which are highly com­pet­i­tive. So choose key­words which are not too gen­eral because they are already opti­mized by many web­sites. Now you should find your own niche key­words you rank for and opti­mize your web­site for it.
2) The chal­lenge of opti­miz­ing your page:  The com­mon prob­lem peo­ple faces is that they don’t know which page more rel­e­vant for tar­geted key­words. So choose pages which are highly related with your key­words. Con­tent is the brain of your page, so focus on num­ber of key­words you want to tar­get and where to put those key­words. Con­tent is king for SEO, so build qual­ity con­tent by aggre­gat­ing the pop­u­lar words, phrases and sen­tences and pri­or­i­tize your pages. Write some unique orig­i­nal con­tent which your vis­i­tors find inter­est­ing and use­ful. If you have done good key­word research then this is the best way to opti­mize your key­word phrase at the right place.
3) Prob­lems Get­ting Large E-Commerce Sites Indexed: To opti­mize ecom­merce sites is the biggest because other web­site also sales the same prod­uct with sim­i­lar prod­uct  descrip­tion which causes dupli­cated con­tent issue. E-commerce sites have faced a num­ber of unique SEO prob­lems because e-commerce sites have large num­ber of pages with prod­uct descrip­tions and dif­fer­en­ti­ate that descrip­tions used by com­pet­ing sites sell­ing sim­i­lar prod­ucts. So Group your sim­i­lar pages by cat­e­gory wise select pre­ferred page out of group and imple­ment canon­i­cal on that. Use dif­fer­ent titles and Meta tags for each prod­uct page. Cre­ate XML and HTML sitemaps, so it will be help­ful for both users and search engines to iden­tify your web pages. Also pro­vide easy nav­i­ga­tion to your users.
4) Offer­ing links on your web­site for money: Many peo­ple cre­ate web­sites for only link sell­ing pur­poses. In such cases, search engine will penal­ize those sites. So you have to exchange a links from those web­sites which are really related with your web­site and busi­ness. Avoid any spam tech­niques to improve your web­site ranking.
5) Tech­ni­cal Prob­lems: If your site has tech­ni­cal prob­lems then you never be in top pages of SERP. So always be care­ful about tech­ni­cal issues that are the most com­mon prob­lems we encounter as an SEO. So keep in mind all these points when you start opti­miz­ing your site
* Redi­rec­tion: You have to do proper redi­rec­tion of your pages and be care­ful about www resolve prob­lem.
* Sitemap: Sitemap is the most impor­tant fac­tor, and using it search engine will rec­og­nize your pages eas­ily.
* Robots.txt: Robots.txt is nec­es­sary for exclud­ing your pages from search engine crawler.
* Site Speed: Site speed is always ben­e­fi­cial for a bet­ter user experience.
6) Over­com­ing your Competitor’s by giv­ing best pro­file links:
* Earn more qual­i­ta­tive links  than your com­peti­tor & try alter­nate key­words that could help in attract­ing same vis­i­tors.
* Update your blogs reg­u­larly and pro­mote those blogs on social media sites so that they can become really ben­e­fi­cial in get­ting huge amount of vis­i­tors.
* Opti­mize Anchor text by imple­ment­ing nat­ural link build­ing strategy.


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