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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Beginners can study these key networking concepts and technologies to learn the basics of computer networking fast.

Search Engine Optimization

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Graphics Design Tutorial

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Face Of Directory Submission After Penguin Updates 2013

Recent updates of Google Panda and Pen­guin has hurt many webmaster’s and SEO’s. To make things more clear and pre­cise, we have defined a pow­er­ful strat­egy of which we’re 100% confident.
Under the guid­ance of our SEO Experts we have intro­duced a very Pow­er­ful SEO Strat­egy which extremely fol­lows the Google guide­lines, and is totally result-oriented. These strate­gies will secure you from all the future Google updates.

Guest Blog­ging:  Guest blog­ging plays an impor­tant role in influ­enc­ing your online vis­i­tors, and web page rank­ing. Its sim­ple con­cept is to share the infor­ma­tion with the vis­i­tors about your busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices or other fields. With the grow­ing web com­pe­ti­tion, many online busi­nesses are adopt­ing it as one of the best tech­niques of Search Engine Opti­miza­tion, today. The best part asso­ci­ated with this ser­vice is expands the area of your busi­ness net­work not only with the new com­ers but also with the exist­ing ones. It boosts the busi­ness sales along with improv­ing the global pres­ence of your business.

Google panda

Info­graphic : The next strat­egy is Info­graphic which means a visual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion. Many busi­nesses are adopt­ing this strat­egy for best out­put of their busi­ness. Today many busi­nesses are find­ing Info­graphic as the best rep­re­sen­ter of their busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices. Images can put huge impact on your vis­i­tors giv­ing them an instant mean­ing of the image updated. Ear­lier, it was com­pletely unknown that images don’t have any SEO value as search engines can’t read them. It is a fact that search engines won’t know what’s your info­graphic  is all about, but your tar­get audi­ence surely will. It ben­e­fits SEO cam­paign a lot, and con­se­quently it builds your link port­fo­lio for good reasons.

Micro Blog­ging : Microblogging’s best exam­ple is Twit­ter. Twit­ter shares every­thing within 140 words range, which is a newly develop con­cept in the busi­ness world today. Online vis­i­tors like to visit such microblog­ging web­sites a lot. Microblog­ging means send­ing out short mes­sages to a larger audi­ence in no time. It screeches the vis­i­tors atten­tion and tempt them to involve with your busi­ness prod­ucts and ser­vices. Now how it is ben­e­fi­cial for SEO? The main pur­pose of SEO is to pop­u­lar­ize your web­site and screech high organic traf­fic in short­est dura­tion. But with the help of microblog­ging web­sites any SEO can share their links with tons of users spon­ta­neously. If it is liked by one user it may trans­ferred to oth­ers as well; increas­ing your web  traf­fic and web page rank­ing concurrently.

Web 2.0 Prop­erty : To leave your com­peti­tors far behind and to run your online busi­ness suc­cess­fully; it is very impor­tant to mar­ket and adver­tise your busi­ness brand very effec­tively over the web. Web 2.0 prop­erty enables the busi­nesses to cre­ate many sub-sites through var­i­ous plat­forms like Word­Press, Squidoo, Blogspot, etc. Here, each and every sub-site con­tains rel­e­vant and unique con­tent with the tar­geted key­words to attract online vis­i­tors and major Search Engines. They con­tain valu­able infor­ma­tion related to your busi­ness prod­ucts or ser­vices along with hyper­linked key­words direct­ing traf­fic towards the main web­site. In short, it is a great busi­ness tool which improves search engine rank­ing, boosts ROI, and gen­er­ates high traffic.

Arti­cle Sub­mis­sion : Arti­cle sub­mis­sion is the heart of SEO busi­ness. Usu­ally, it is referred as unique writ­ing of arti­cles which are rel­e­vant to your web busi­ness, and then get­ting them added to var­i­ous pop­u­lar arti­cle sub­mis­sion direc­to­ries. SEO experts rec­om­mend this ser­vice a lot to fresh­ers or exist­ing online busi­ness own­ers. This sub­mis­sion ser­vice can enhance and improve the web page rank­ing of your site among the major SEs by increas­ing quan­tity of  back­links and PR.

And if they really start believ­ing you, then surely they will always seek your advise. Sooner or later, they will get inter­ested in var­i­ous aspects of your busi­ness. For all this thing, they need to click on the pro­vided link within the sig­na­ture to be taken to the main web page, and then they are a step away from con­vert­ing into a poten­tial customer.

Social Sharing/Bookmarking : Social book­mark­ing enhances the SEO of your web­sites and blogs by rapidly increas­ing the page rank­ing, by bring­ing links back towards your site based upon the key­words induced in the blog or page which you’re bookmarking.

Pre­mium Press Release : Press Release count as the back­bone of Online Busi­ness exis­tence. It is one of the fastest way of avail­ing expo­sure of your online busi­ness prod­ucts or ser­vices. Many small to large scale busi­ness firms give due impor­tance to this ser­vice because of its rel­e­vant potency. A press release is always writ­ten in a very coher­ent man­ner keep­ing your tar­get audi­ence in mind. It should cover all the hap­pen­ings of your busi­ness world, old or new both. All the pop­u­lar news sites like Yahoo, MSN, Google rapidly increases the web traf­fic and devel­ops new impor­tant links giv­ing a new edge to your site.

Local Busi­ness List­ing : All the major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc pro­vides Online Busi­ness List­ings help­ing you to pro­mote your busi­ness to local Inter­net users. More­over, claim­ing, adding, and val­i­dat­ing your online busi­ness list­ing in the local busi­ness direc­to­ries will surely  increase your web traf­fic, boost your SEO efforts, screech­ing new vis­i­tors by enhanc­ing your local busi­ness ‘Web Visibility.

Social Media Shar­ing : Many reports dis­closed the fact that Social Media’s valu­able pres­ence influ­ences the rank­ings within the search engine result pages. Likes, +1s, tweets, pins and social links avail­able on the unique Blog Post’s are very count­able busi­ness sig­nals, as they can affect the rank­ings in SES.


Why link Diversity is Important of 2013

The link building strategy that you’re going to use for ranking your sites is essential and you have to diversify all the links that point to your site if you want to push your site on the first page of Google in a relatively short period. If you still wonder why you have to put so much effort then check how the link diversity will benefit your site. Getting all kinds of links to your site can be a really difficult job but it’s really necessary to show to the search engines that your site is popular everywhere on the web.

Therefore it is essential to post your link to many directories, social bookmark sites, social networks, web2 sites, forums and blogs. Some of you may say to getting links from article directories, blog comments and wiki sites for example is already busted strategy and Google will penalize the site almost immediately after they are indexed.
Link-building web
Well, it can be true but if you do everything properly then you will get a lot of benefits. Your main task is to find just high PR sites on different platforms that are not spam to the moon and you will be fine.

oogle won’t hurt your site if it has backlinks from quality blogs or article directories with low outgoing links. Their power is lower than it used to be, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t help you for ranking. So, use all types of links in your link building strategy without any doubt and you will gain many benefits for sure.

Another essential factor to keep in mind is to diversify your anchor keywords. Many bloggers are really happy when they find a good “buying” keyword with huge search queries and relatively low competition. And what they do next? They are so much on the top of the happiness wave that they use just this keyword or 1-2 of its long tail variations in building their backlinks. It’s an enormous SEO mistake that you have to avoid at any cost. For example, what do you think about how Google will react if from all 2000 backlinks that your site have almost 1500 are with one anchored keyword. It means that your site will be soon or later punished and this is something that will hurt you for sure.

So, try to use your main keyword not more than 20% – 30% in your link building strategy. Try to include many different natural anchored keywords like “click here”, “visit the site” or your naked URl.  Now, according to many SEO gurus, any different anchor keywords structure can pretty easily jeopardize your site after the last Google updates 
The links diversity is a huge SEO factor and getting many quality links from different platforms with different anchor keywords is the most viable way to increase your SERP. Take your time, find the right blogs, sites, forums and web 2 properties to post your backlinks, always check the % of the keywords pointed to your site and your success will come faster than you competition even expect.

How To Selects SEO Service To Get High Page Rank

Most of you might have or want to have a spe­cific entre­pre­neur ven­ture in the online world. This means that you should have all the poten­tial knowl­edge regard­ing the online aspects in order to per­form the busi­ness. The main cri­te­ria for a busi­ness to get suc­cess, is pop­u­lar­ity, be it in the online form or offline form. The main inten­tion in doing any kind of busi­ness, should be con­sid­er­ing the cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion as the prime pri­or­ity and after that it should be the profit mar­gin as it is essen­tial as well. Although, it is a one way objec­tive, but if you get the required pop­u­lar­ity, which means peo­ple are lik­ing your prod­ucts and ser­vices then the sec­ond objec­tive i.e. profit will also be achieved auto­mat­i­cally. All these objec­tives can only be achieved, when one pays full con­cen­tra­tion on the SEO, which is also known as Search Engine Opti­miza­tion. It usu­ally helps in boost­ing up the pop­u­lar­ity of the web site. How­ever, the con­cern is how to get the best SEO ser­vic­ing firms, so that you will be benefited.

SEO Services
The topic here is some­what related to find­ing the SEO firms, which helps in boost­ing the pop­u­lar­ity and at the same time helps in mak­ing your site cor­rect in all aspects. Nowa­days, there are sev­eral firms, which are opened to these ser­vices, but they are not effec­tive enough in doing those. Here, peo­ple need to look for the best in them, so as to have the best ser­vices oth­er­wise, unnec­es­sary invest­ment will come in their way instead of good review and high rev­enue. So, as it is con­sid­ered that SEO are the ulti­mate weapon in get­ting the best traf­fic response then a lot must be dis­cussed on the same as well. The top­ics dis­cussed below are some­what related to the def­i­n­i­tion of SEO and the ways to find the best SEO firms.

What do you mean by SEO 

Search Engine Opti­miza­tion is a term which is largely related to the online world. The pop­u­lar­ity of the World Wide Web has enhanced the inter­ests in many peo­ple and thereby many of them have started enter­ing into this world.  Fur­ther­more, the main impor­tant thing here is pop­u­lar­ity and it is only pos­si­ble when you fol­low some basic cri­te­ria. The SEO strate­gies are laid out in writ­ten scripts, which needs to be fol­lowed so that, the search algo­rithm finds them as the most suit­able one that fol­lows all the rules and reg­u­la­tions. This is achieved either by your­self, when you have enough knowl­edge on the topic, or by hir­ing some of the rel­e­vant firms. 

Search Engine Opti­miza­tion is a term which is largely related to the online world. The pop­u­lar­ity of the World Wide Web has enhanced the inter­ests in many peo­ple and thereby many of them have started enter­ing into this world.  Fur­ther­more, the main impor­tant thing here is pop­u­lar­ity and it is only pos­si­ble when you fol­low some basic cri­te­ria. The SEO strate­gies are laid out in writ­ten scripts, which needs to be fol­lowed so that, the search algo­rithm finds them as the most suit­able one that fol­lows all the rules and reg­u­la­tions. This is achieved either by your­self, when you have enough knowl­edge on the topic, or by hir­ing some of the rel­e­vant firms. 

look at Social Media Marketing

What is Social Marketing?

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the marketing strategy used to exploit the potential of web 2.0. Businesses use platforms and tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube to engage with their target audiences and communicate their messages. What makes it really powerful is the engagement of the target audiences to create a web of communications that distills the marketing messages of businesses and makes buying recommendations on the basis of user input and peer feedback. Interacting with users through social platforms adds real value to a brand’s message.

Some of the Benefits of SMM

  • Word-of-Mouth: 
  •  Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the best marketing
  •  tools out there because of the inherent high trust factor  SMM is the best way to generate word-of-mouth around a brand.
  • Low-cost promotion: 
  •  SMM helps in driving traffic to your website at a far lower cost than traditional marketing.
  • Precise targeting of the audience: 
  •  By using SMM you can deliver your marketing message much more precisely.
  • Inbound links: 
  •  Inbound links to a website generated through ‘sharing’ on social media sites, bookmarking and commenting can be very valuable because it can improve search engine ranking. Social media sites are a very useful resource for generating such links.
  • User communities: 
  •  Creating and maintaining customer loyalty is one of the primary targets of businesses. Social media platforms are a great place for generating user communities and have passionate customers become your brand ambassadors.
  • Customer relationship:
  •   It allows businesses to actively and closely engage with customers and build a fruitful lasting relationship
  • Increased reach: 
  •  It can dramatically increase the reach of your business if performed correctly.
Mobile Apps and SMM
People are increasingly using handheld mobile devices to engage with social media platforms. Mobile applications have become one of the primary tools for conducting almost our business and personal activities online. Whether you want to use Facebook, Google, Instagram or another popular social media tool, chances are there’s already a mobile app for it. Furthermore, no business can overlook the importance of mobile apps for marketing themselves on social media platforms.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can harness the power of SMM to boost your business, contact BinaryQuest. We’ve got expertise in both SMM and mobile app development which can help you realize your business goals
 Social Media Marketing

How SEO can help you GROW Your Business on the World Wide Web

SEO lets you beat your competition
Social Media Optimization (SMO)

If you’re not a technical person or don’t know anything about internet marketing, don’t worry! We’re going to tell you in plain words what SEO is and how it can help you promote your business on the World Wide Web.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is the process of making your website visible on the 1st page of major search engines, mainly Google. SEO allows you to attract free traffic from around the world.
You may ask, ‘So what if my website doesn’t appear on the 1st page?’ The answer is simple, but kind of devastating: Studies show that around 90% search engine users don’t look beyond the first page of the search results. So, let’s say your product is searched 100 times a day. If you don’t appear on the first page, then you will instantly lose around 90% of potential buyers. Can you even begin to imagine the amount of business you are potentially losing out on?!
Another study shows that around 90% of internet users use search engines to find products that they want to buy. So, if you are not on the 1st page, then most of your potential buyers on the World Wide Web will never even learn about your existence, let alone buy from you.
If you don’t appear on the first page, then you will lose an unimaginable amount of money and your competitors will enjoy tremendous exposure on the internet.
Through SEO, you have the opportunity to beat your competitors by securing one of the top ten positions on page 1!

What does SEO Involve?
Search Engine Optimization is not rocket science and it’s divided into 3 parts:
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
Keyword Research: Your keywords are the foundation of your business. These are those specific words and phrases that are most relevant to your industry or business. If you choose weak keywords, then you will create a weak foundation which will collapse sooner or later. This is why you need to choose keywords that your potential buyers are using to find your products or services. A thorough keyword research takes time, so you must not rush and take your time.
On-Page Optimization: Once you have selected a few powerful keywords, you need to tell Google about them too. How can you do that? You need to use those keywords when writing content for your website. Ensure that a particular keyword is never assigned to two different pages. By sprinkling your keywords according to Google’s guidelines, you will be able to inform Google what keywords you are targeting to attract traffic (internet users).
Off-Page Optimization: There are only 10 slots on page 1 of Google search results and chances are that you’re competing against a few million businesses to secure one of those top slots. So, who should be the lucky ones to appear on page 1? Google gives weight or preference to websites that have a lot of inbound links, i.e. links pointing to your website from other websites. Off-Page Optimization or Link Building is the process of creating genuine and relevant links to build your reputation and trust.
As you can see… SEO is not that hard BUT it is absolutely critical to your success on the World Wide Web. You need to make sure that you create a powerful and viable SEO strategy for your website and reap the benefits of your hard work and efforts in the long run. We at facebook can help you do just that!

Social Media Optimization (SMO) Frist Steep

Searching for a method to shout to your target audiences to encourage them to purchase from your website? You will find a wide variety of online media that permit you to promote your message for your audiences and attract them. But are you aware which provides that inside a more efficient, less costly and faster way?

PPC draws in people faster but it's costly and Search engine optimization however, costs you less however it needs time to work to usher in traffic. Your best option that continues to be is social networking marketing.

The Tech Guys offers excellent Social Media Optimization and Social Networking Marketing services. There services are extremely useful in developing a brand for the company after which advertise your items or services through various online social services. SMO services are made to be able to compliment your Search engine optimization efforts.
Search marketing optimization (SMO) is a superb tool for online status management or Internet Search Engine Status Management (SERM). When accurate Search Marketing optimization methods are created and implemented ample traffic could be build to be able to enhance the fame from the website one of the target audience and prospective people. The greater publicity you'll create for the website the greater links and traffic is going to be produced because of your web page which brings genuine business queries and much more profit.
The altering trends in Internet world have given a unique and important spot to social networking marketing that is getting used effectively by most internet entrepreneurs. It is probably the most effective tools for Social Media Optimization (SMO).

Benefits of Social Networking Marketing

  • It will help for making your brand familiar towards the audience within the online social networking.
  • It compliments the Search engine optimization efforts from the website and therefore produces better results.
  • It will help in getting visitors or traffic aimed at your website from websites.
  • It will help in reducing the entire process of getting non-reciprocal links and therefore leads to elevated link recognition.

Our SMO services include:

  • Social Bookmark Submitting
  • Social Networking
  • Video Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Press Release Marketing
  • Communities Participation
  • Personalized Blog Creation and Maintenance
  • Viral Marketing

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Odesk Gmail Product Test Answare 2013

Question: 1
What does Gmail’s AutoComplete feature do?
a. Suggest spelling corrections
b. Suggests the appropriate way to finish your emails
c. Suggests names from your contact list in alphabetical order
d. Suggests names from your contact list in the order of frequency of use
e. All of the above
Answer: d
Question: 2
How many languages is Gmail currently offered in?
a. 40
b. 42
c. 52
d. 117
e. None of the above
Answer: c
Question: 3
The Gmail Notifier is a downloadable application that alerts you whenever you have Gmail messages. Once you install the Notifier, you’ll be able to do all of the following EXCEPT.
a. Automatically check for new messages every two minutes
b. See a snippet of text from up to 30 unread messages
c. Select a sound to indicate when you have new mail
d. Reply to messages without opening a browser
e. Make Gmail you default email application
f. None of the above
Answer: d
Question: 4
Gmail’s spam filter marks a message as Spam but it’s actually something you want to keep.  You unmark the message as spam by checking the box next to the sender’s name and clicking “Not Spam” at the top of your Spam mailbox. Which of the following things does NOT happen?
a. The message is moved to your inbox
b. The message is permanently labeled ‘Not Spam’ in your Spam mailbox
c. The sender’s email address is added to your Contacts list
d. All subsequent messages from sender are not marked as ‘Spam’
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 5
Which of the following Gmail keyboard shortcuts will perform this action: Puts your cursor in the Search box?
a. U
b. /
c. R
d. Then
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 6
You’ve invited someone to chat, and they accepted. Which of the following color indicators show they are available to chart?
a. Red
b. Yellow 
c. Green 
d. Gray
e. None of the above
Answer: c
Question: 7
Which of the following emails should not have any problem sending properly?
a. Email to your mother with a photo of new cat (attachment: JPG file, 24 MB)
b. Email to your grandmother asking for the recipe for her famous cookies
c. Email about an upcoming concert sent you sent to your 600 closets friends
d. Email to your brother with a copy of this really cool downloadable application (attachment: exe file, 6 MB)
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 8
Which of the following features is not available in all of the languages/locales that the Gmail UI is localized into?
a. Labels
b. Check spelling
c. Chat
d. Labs
e. All of the above
Answer: d
Question: 9
I want to add color and be able to underline in my emails. What setting do I need to adjust?
a. In the message view, choose ‘Plain Text’
b. In the message view, choose ‘Rich formatting’
c. In the settings menu, choose UTF-8 for the outgoing message encoding
d. In the setting menu, choose to enable IMAP
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 10
Each time you send a message. Gmail automatically selects an appropriate encoding for the language(s) in which you’ve composed your mail. It’s possible, however, that the recipient may not be able to properly view the message you’ve sent. If your contacts are having trouble viewing messages you’ve sent them, what encoding does Google recommend you use for outgoing mail?
b. UTF-8 Unicode
c. UTF-16 Unicode 
d. Multiple encoding 
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 11
Which of the following does not differentiate Gmail from other web-based email programs? 
a. Using keywords or the advanced search feature, Gmail users find what they need it. 
b. With Infinity +1 storage you can archive, rather than delete, message for later viewing. 
c. Each message is grouped with its replies and displayed as a conversation. 
d. Gmail is available completely free of charge
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Question: 12
To see all the mail you have archived, what should you do?
a. Go to a message/conversation, click on the arrow next to Reply and click ‘Expand All’
b. Select ‘All Mail’ from the left menu bar
c. Type ‘All’ in the search bar and then click ‘Search Mail’
d. Select ‘Inbox’ form the left menu bar
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 13
A user is upset that Gmail doesn’t have folders. They want to organize their mail into groups and get it out of their inbox. What would you recommend?
a. Suggest tolders via suggestions page:
b. Switch to Yahoo! Or Hotmail
c. Download your mail to Outlook via POP this is the only way to get folders
d. Combine labels and archiving 
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Question: 14
Which of the following Gmail keyboard shortcuts will perform this action, If you are in conversation view, this shortcut will refresh your page and return you to your list of conversations. 
a. U
b. /
c. R
d. Then
e. None of the above
Answer: a
Question: 15
You can only join Gmail if you have invitation.
a. True 
b. False
Answer: b
Question: 16
How frequent is Gmail’s release cycle?
a. Weekly
b. Bi-weekly
c. Monthly
d. Ad hoc/as needed
e. None of the above
Answer: a
Question: 17
How many times does the Google localization Project Manager (LPM) upload each Gmail UI project?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. None of the above
Answer: c
Question: 18
Which of the following is NOT something you can set a filter to messages? 
a. Skip the inbox
b. Get starred 
c. Be automatically labeled
d. Be forwarded to another account
e. Be automatically moved to the top of your inbox
f. Be moved to Trash
Answer: e
Question: 19
Why is Gmail faster to navigate than other email services? 
a. Uses JavaScript which allows faster navigation with fewer requests to the server
b. Always uses a basic HTML view that is compatible with almost any browser
c. Downloads your mail to your desktop for easy access
d. Combines coding platforms to remain effective in different situations 
e. All of the above 
Answer: a
Question: 20
Now that you have been using Gmail for a while you have received thousands of emails. You are trying to find your friend Amy’s work phone number to add to your contacts list and you know that either Amy or her husband David sent it to you at some point. What’s the best way to search for it?
a. Use advanced search with the operators from;amy;from;david
b. Use advanced search with the operators from;amy OR from;david
c. Scroll through your inbox to find messages from Amy or David
d. Use advanced search with the operators messages from;amy or messages from;david
e. None of the above
Answer: b
Question: 21
Which of the following should be localized for Gmail help content? 
a. External (non-Google) URLs
b. Hotkeys
c. Any URLs that refer to specific KB (Knowledge Base) entries
d. The title field, unless there is a Field title
e. All of the above
Answer: a
Question: 22
Google places targeted ads next to your Gmail inbox. In addition to supplying relevant ad information that is targeted to your needs, this allows Google to:
a. Offer 5 GB storage to users for free
b. Enroll Gmail users in the AdSense program
c. Display Non Family Safe or Porn ads
d. Employ more people matching email content to ads
e. All of the above
Answer: a
Question: 23
In which locales if Gmail called Google Mail? 
a. De
b. Fr
c. Ru
d. Tl 
e. En-gb
f. None of the above
Answer: a, e
Question: 24
Google may terminate a user’s account in accordance with the terms of service, if the user:
a. Registers for three or more Gmail addresses. 
b. Fails to login to account for a period of six months.
c. Fails to login to account for a period of nine months.
d. Uses a personal account for business purposes.
e. None of the above
Answer: c 

Monday, February 4, 2013


If you find your lost sim but cannot remember the number you can get it very easily! It does not require any balance. You can get the number by simply dialling a code.
Following are the hidden codes:
Grameenphone= *2#
Banglalink: *511#
Robi= *140*2*4#
Airtel= *121*6*3#

Friday, February 1, 2013

Odesk CSS Test Answare 2013

Question 1:Which of the following is true for a class selector?

a. It uses a hash as the separator symbol
b. It applies the style to only the first element defined with that style
c. It applies the style to only the last element defined with that style
d. It applies the style to all the elements defined with that style

Question 2:
Which of the following does not apply to external styles?

a. Clean separation of design & content
b. Minimal code duplication
c. Highest priority
d. Reduces page download time
Ans: C

Question 3:
Read the following Code:
Background: white url(“bar.gif”);
Background-repeat: repeat-y;
Background-position: center;
What will be the output of this code?

a. Image bar.gif will be tiled vertically in the background in the center of the page.
b. Image bar.gif will be tiled horizontally in the background in the center of the page
c. Image bar.gif will be displayed in the center of the page
d. Image bar.gif will be stretched in the center of the page
Ans: A

Question 4: Which of the following is not a valid text-decoration option?

a. Text-decoration :line-through
b. Text-decoration :in-line
c. Text-decoration :overline
d. Text-decoration :underline
e. Text-decoration :none
Ans: B

Question 5:
You defined some links as follows:
What will be the color, when the mouse goes over a link?

a. Green
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Black
Ans: B

Question 6:
The following is a style definition:

How will you refer to this style in your web page?

 A. by using the class attribute in a td cell
 B. by using the id Attribute in a td cell
 C. by using the class attribute in any html element which supports the class attribute
 D. by using the id attribute in any html element which support the id attribute
Ans: B

Question 7: Which of the following is not a valid property of an aural style sheet?
a. Cue
b. Voice-family
c. Load
d. Speak
Ans: C
Question 8:
Your website displays some articles on java programming. The articles contain blocks of java code as well. If you want to leave ‘1 cm’ space above and below the code blocks, you would use:

a. Code{margin:1cm}
b. Code{margin-top:1cm; margin-bottom:1cm}
c. P{margin:1cm}
d. P{margin-top:1cm; margin-bottom:1cm}
Ans: B
Question 9:

Text text text text
A Text text
Sentence text text
Inside text text
A text ext
Text text text
Text text
Text text text text

You have and article of 100 lines. If for instance, you want to describe the theme with a few lines inside the text highlighted separately as show in the image which of the following property will you use?

a. Outline
b. Display
c. Float
d. Merge

Question 10:
You are fetching customer names from a database. The names in the database are mostly in lowercase. What is the name of the text property which will facilitate capitalization of these names?

a. Text-mode
b. Text-transform
c. Text-decoration
d. Text-shadow
e. Text-case
Ans: B
Question: 11:

Here is one of the styles defined in your webpage:
border-width:thin thick

What type of border will be displayed if one of the paragraphs defined in the webpage uses this style?

a. This will display a red border with thin top and bottom
b. This will display a red border with thick top and bottom
c. This will display a red border with thick left and right
d. This will not display any border

Question 12: Which of the following are correct values of the overflow property?
a. Visible
b. Hidden
c. Scroll
d. Auto
Ans: A,B,C,D

Question 13: Which of the following is correct?

a. Blockquote{text-padding:2em 4em 5em}
b. Blockquote{padding-x:2em 4em 5em}
c. Blockquote{padding-y:2em 4em 5em}
d. Blockquote{padding:2em 4em 5em}

Question 14: Which element property is required to define internal styles?

a. Class
b. Style
c. span
d. link
Ans: B

Question 15 Which style property can be used to display only some part of an image?

a. Snap
b. Clip
c. Scroll
d. Visible

Question 16 Which of the following is not true for a style sheet?

a. A style sheet defines how an html element will be displayed
b. Internal and external style sheets can not be used together
c. Multiple style definitions will cascade into one
d. The same style sheet can be used by many html pages
Ans: A

Question 17 Which of the following font properties deals with aspect value?

a. Font-weight
b. Font-variant
c. Font-size-adjust
d. Font-size

Question 18:
Consider this style definition:
P i{color:red}
What do you understand about the contextual selector used above?

a. All the text within a paragraph will be italicized
b. All the italic text in the page will have red color
c. All the page text under
tag and tag will be red
d. All the italic text with in a paragraph will be red

Question 19
Background-position sets the position of the background image what happens if its value is 0% 0%?

a. Image will have zero width and height so it will be hidden.
b. Image will be positioned at the upper left corner.
c. Image will be positioned at the lower right corner
d. None of the above

Question 20: You want to increase the space between the lines in all you paragraphs. What will you use?

a. P{width:1cm}
b. P{height: 1cm}
c. P{line-height:1cm}
d. P{line-width:1cm}
Ans: C

Question 21: The default value for the overflow property is:

a. Scroll
b. Visible
c. Hidden
d. Auto
Ans: C*

Question 22:
Which of the following will set the page size to 8.5 inches x 11 inches with 2cm margin al all sides?
a. @page {width:8.5in;Height:11in; margin:2cm}
b. @page {width:8.5in x 11in; margin:2cm}
c. @page {size:8.5in 11in; margin:2cm}
d. @page {size:8.5in 11in; margin:2cm}

Question 23: Which of the following is not a valid list property?
a. List-style-type
b. List-style-position
c. List-style-image
d. List-style-align

Question 24: Which of the following is not a pseudo class?
a. Link
b. Active
c. Lang
d. Ins

Question 25: Which of the following Statement is correct?

a. When using css, positioning can be absolute, relative or dynamic
b. The float Property for text/images can be left, right or center
c. The values of visibility can be true or False
d. The display Property sets how an element is displayed

Question 26:
The Font “Times New Roman” has an aspect value of 0.46 .What do you understand from this?

a. When font size is set to 46px. The height of the letter ‘x’ will be 100px
b. When font size is set to 100px. The height of the letter ‘x’ will be 46px

Question 27: The font-family property is used to specify a:
a. Family name
b. Generic Family
c. Family name and /or generic Family

Question 28: Paged media differ from continuous media in that the content of the document is divided into one or more pages. When you set the dimensions, which of the following will be applied?

a. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box minus the margin area
b. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box plus the margin area
c. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box and margin area does not affect it.
d. None of the above

Question 29: Which of the following is not a correct keyword value for the display property?

a. Expended
b. Inline-table
c. Table-row
d. Table-column-group

Question 30: Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

a. Orphans
b. Widows
c. Bottom
d. Overflow
e. None of the above

Question 31 Which of the following is correct with regard to comments in a style sheet?

a. Comments can appear outside the style definition only
b. Comments start with//
c. Comments end with */
d. Comments are not permitted in a style sheet

Question 32 Which of the following border styles is not correct?
a. Border-style: ridge
b. Border-style : outset
c. Border-style : dotted
d. Border – style : matted

Question 33: How will you display text as a superscript?

a. Vertical-align: super
b. Vertical-align: superscript
c. Vertical-align : top

Question 34
The following is a style definition:

Color: red;

How will you refer to this style in you web pages?
a. By using the class attribute in a td cell
b. By using the id attribute in a td cell
c. By using the class attribute in any html element which supports the class attribute
d. By using the id attribute in any html element which supports the id attribute.

Question 35 Which of the following is true for an ID selector?

a. It uses a dot as the separator symbol
b. It applies the style to only the first element defined with that selector
c. It applies the style to only the last elements defined with that selector
d. It applies the style to all the elements defined with that selector

Question 36: Which of the following values are correct for Font-style?

a. Normal, wider, narrower
b. Normal , italic, oblique
c. Normal, bold, lighter
d. Small , medium , large

oDesk Social Media Marketing Test Answers 2012

Question:1  What methods of social network marketing should a company always use?

Ans: Depends on the company, their product, their audience

Question:2 What is “guerilla marketing”?

Ans: Marketing which relies on time and energy rather than a large dollar budget.

Question:3  What is meant by Brand Management?

Ans: The company executive management team.

Question:4 Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?

Ans: Posting at least once a month to the blog.

Question:5  What is a “call to action”

Ans: Giving an advertisement’s receiver a specific direction such as “visit the site”.

Question:6  What is a “vlog”?

Ans: New technology to aid in blogging

Question:7 What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a following?

Ans: Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other group.

Question:8  In a company who should own the social marketing plan?

Ans: Head of Marketing.

Question:9 What is meant by “micro-blogging”?

Ans: Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically.

Question:10  What is meant by A/B testing in marketing?

Ans: Testing 2 versions of an advertisement to see which elicits the best response.

Question:11 What Place does Pricing have in marketing?

Ans: Different Pricing levels can be the pricing level relative to competition is important

Question:12 What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?

Ans: The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

Question:13  How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social network marketing?

Ans: Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as YouTube.

Question:14 How often should a marketing plan be revisited?

Ans: As often as needed in order to revisit the plan of action and revise any new actions

Question:15 Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and traditional marketing?

Ans: A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there is a free trail offer.

Question:16 How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?

Ans: There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required for traditional marketing.

Question:17 What should be the length of an blog post?

Ans: A few sentence mixed with several links to other sites and references.

Question:18 Why is there no specific definition of what is social media marketing?

Ans: The concept is relatively new compared to traditional marketing and is still being defined.

Question:19 What is meant by the “blogosphere”?

Ans: The interconnected community of blogs via linking to each other

Question: 20 How do ebooks represent a from marketing?

Ans: They are often free, include useful information, and direct the reader onto the company which created the ebook for.